
Honkai: Star Rail – How to Unlock All Seven Errors of Cycranes Achievements

Honkai: Star Rail's Seven Errors of Cycranes Secret Achievements

Honkai: Star Rail is an action-packed game with many achievements, including the Seven Errors of Cycranes. This achievement requires you to locate all seven Cycranes and convince them to resume their job. In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step walkthrough on how to find and persuade all seven Cycranes to earn all the achievements and rewards.

Honkai Star Rail: The Seven Errors Of Cycranes Locations

Here’s where you can find all of the missing cycranes to solve the Seven Errors of Cycranes quest in Honkai: Star Rail. You can follow any order to find the birds, except for the first Cycrane.

Finding the First Cycrane – Sloth

To start the secretive quest, you first need to encounter a Depressed Crycrane located on the bridge of Central Starskiff Haven. Engaging with this peculiar bird will unveil that it is no longer depressed, prompting it to recommend speaking with Ziqiao of Heron Express.

Depressed Crycrane Location
Depressed Crycrane Location
Ziqiao Location
Ziqiao Location

Upon conversing with Ziqiao, an option relating to the Depressed Cycrane will appear revealing the existence of six more missing cycranes scattered across multiple maps. Upon completion of this interaction, you will be rewarded with the inaugural achievement from the series, “The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Sloth.”

Finding the Second Cycrane – Envy

To find the Resentful Cycrane, head to Central Starskiff Haven as indicated on the map below. Once there, interact with the bird and it will provide you with a Logistic Navigation Map to locate it.

Resentful Cycrane first location
Resentful Cycrane first location
Resentful Cycrane second location
Resentful Cycrane second location

However, the significant part of this map is that it doesn’t really mirror the genuine area of the bird. Players will be informed with a little amount of text that the bird could have gone off the map once they go a far distance from the assigned area. Hence, this map is really considered pointless, and the bird can be tracked down in the area underneath all things considered.

After location the Resentful Cycrane, persuade it to return to Ziqiao and complete the second achievement, “The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Envy.”

Finding the Third Cycrane – Gluttony

To track down the Dissatisfied Cycrane, you must head to a remote shop in the Central Starskiff Haven, as shown on the map below.

Dissatisfied Cycrane Location
Dissatisfied Cycrane Location

The bird cunningly disguises itself amidst an assortment of toy cranes, awaiting your interaction. Engaging in conversation, the bird proposes a bet that revolves around answering a question to discern its truthfulness. You can ask two questions to try and deduce the answer. Rest assured, the outcome of the bet bears no significance. Even in the event of defeat, the Cycrane shall gracefully return to the Heron Express, granting you “The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Gluttony” achievement.

Finding the Fourth Cycrane – Pride

To locate the Cycrane with the Moniker “Stonker,” you must embark on a journey to the designated coordinates displayed on the Exalting Sanctum map below.

Stonker location
Stonker location

In your encounter with this bird, you will be asked a question about how to divide Strales between two children taking into account their respective work speeds. The correct answer lies in awarding both children an equal sum of 5 Strales, as they both performed the same amount of work. By bestowing this correct answer, the bird return to the Heron Express, while rewarding you with “The Seven Errors of Crycranes: Pride” achievement.

Finding the Fifth Cycrane – Greed

Evil Dragon atop boxes

To encounter the Cycrane with the Moniker “Evil Dragon,” you must search atop crates in the Cloudford map, specifically at location F1 as indicated below. Once you engage with this bird, it will seek your assistance in repairing the Crycranes Abacus.

Evil Dragon location
Evil Dragon location

Afterwards, you will interact with the abacus itself, aiming to solve the puzzle it presents. Your objective is to ensure there are precisely two gaps between the two beads. Achieving this entails relocating one bead to the opposite side and then rotating both beads until they are aligned with their spots.

Upon solving the puzzle, you can ask the bird to return to the Heron Express, thus receiving the well-deserved glory of “The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Greed” achievement.

Finding the Sixth Cycrane – Lust

The sixth Cycrane, aptly named the Courteous Cycrane, awaits discovery in the Cloudford map, near the Space Anchor teleport point at the bottom of F1.

Courteous Cycrane Location
Courteous Cycrane Location

After interacting with this bird, follow it to the next location, where you must vanquish three rounds of enemies on the way. Once the adversaries are defeated, the journey continues, with the Cycrane guiding you towards a conversation regarding the acquisition of a photobook. Upon its conclusion, the Courteous Cycrane will accompany you back to the Heron Express and grant you “The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Lust” achievement.

Finding the Seventh Cycrane – Wrath

Brave Cycrane

To embark on the quest for the final Crycrane, known as the Brave Cycrane, you need to go to the Stargazer Navalia map and traverse the terrain until reaching the middle Space Anchor teleport point. Should any obstacles impede your progress, use the controller to move the containers and forge a clear path toward the bird’s location.

Brave Cycrane Location
Brave Cycrane Location

Similar to your encounter with the Courteous Cycrane, you must defeat the enemies in order to persuade the Brave Cycrane to return to the Heron Express. Once convinced, you will be able to unlock “The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Wrath” achievement and will have found all the missing birds.

Time to Earn The Last Achievement


Upon returning to Ziqiao, where the NPC was initially found, you will be rewarded with the 8th achievement, aptly named “Seven Birds in the Hand is Worth A Thousand in the Bush,” along with a generous grant of 5000 credits.

In totality, players will receive a grand total of 8 achievements, with each achievement unveiling 5 Stellar Jade and 70 Strales for finding all 7 cycranes.

However, on the following reset day, a text message shall find its way to players’ mobile devices. An unknown sender will delve into the the unique personalities and idiosyncrasies of these birds, though this interaction will not yield any additional rewards.

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