Lost Ark Wayward Wolf Quest Guide: Nova Location & Strategy

Welcome to this Lost Ark Wayward Wolf Quest guide, where we will be revealing some key details for Wayward Wolf quest including its location and how to complete it. This guide aims to explain the entire process that you need to follow step by step, so without further ado, let’s dive right into it.
Lost Ark Wayward Wolf Quest Location
First and foremost, we shall direct you to the ambiguous location where you can accept the Wayward Wolf quest, which entails traversing Runaways Island. The precise spot where you must arrive after penetrating Runaways Island is pinpointed on the map image below.

How to Complete the Wayward Wolf Quest
Once you arrive at the treacherous destination, your prime objective is to engage in conversation with Knight Rembrant, who is frantically searching for Nova. Nova, a well-known womanizer, has successfully seduced several noblewomen. However, the villagers have failed to assist Rembrant in his quest to find the elusive womanizer. This is where you come into play. Agree to the mission and set out on Runaways Island to track down Nova.
The next step is to make your way towards the eastern side of the map to find Nova and some other women. The following image depicts the precise location of Nova.
The minuscule red circle on the eastern end of the map indicates the exact whereabouts of Nova. Therefore, you need to traverse towards the east side of the location where you accepted the mission.

Once you find Nova, talk to him and listen as he spills the beans about Count France’s disregard for his wife. Next, you must proceed towards Noblewoman Renal and converse with her. She will question you about Nova’s well-being with two responses available for your retort.
- He’s well.
- He’s surrounded by ladies.
To accomplish the mission, you must choose the second option, “He’s surrounded by ladies.”
So, there you have it, a concise yet informative guide to the Wayward Wolf quest in Lost Ark. We hope this guide has helped you complete this quest with ease.
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