7 Remote Side Hustles That ACTUALLY Work in 2024

Worried about rising costs, job stability, or just looking for more freedom?

You’re not alone.

More people are hunting for ways to earn extra cash without being tied down to a 9-to-5. What’s the solution? Remote side hustles that actually work.

Forget the hype. You don’t need to jump on the latest trend or get-rich-quick scheme. In 2024, it’s about finding practical side gigs that fit your lifestyle and pay off. You can start small, work from anywhere, and, most importantly, still have control over your time.

In this article, I’m going to show you seven realistic side hustles you can do from home. I’ve tried some of them myself, and others I’ve seen people crush it. So, grab a coffee and let’s dive into the real opportunities that are making waves this year.

1. Content Creation

Content creation is booming right now.

Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are growing, and creators are cashing in. Whether you’re good at making videos, writing blogs, or snapping photos, there’s space for you in this game.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Pick your platform:
    YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or even start a blog if writing’s your thing. Each one has its own style, so choose what fits you best.
  • Find your niche:
    Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Focus on a topic you enjoy and can keep creating content around. Fitness, tech, cooking – there’s an audience for everything.
  • Stay consistent:
    Show up regularly. You don’t have to post every day, but you’ve got to show that you’re serious. The key is steady, reliable content. No consistency, no audience.

How much can you make?

There’s no ceiling here. You can earn through ads, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or by selling your own products. But here’s the catch – it takes time to build. That first cheque might be small, but once you hit your stride, it can snowball fast.

Tips to stand out:

  • Be yourself: The internet’s full of people copying each other. Authenticity gets noticed.
  • Learn basic editing: Don’t worry about being fancy. Just make sure your videos or posts look clean and professional.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and build a community. People stick around for creators they connect with.

Content creation isn’t just for influencers. Regular people are doing this every day and turning it into a legit income stream. Want in? Start small, stay patient, and the growth will come.

2. Virtual Assistant

The demand for Virtual Assistants (VAs) is exploding.

Everyone, from small business owners to busy professionals, needs help handling tasks they just don’t have time for. You could be that person stepping in, taking on the small but critical jobs they can’t handle themselves.

What do Virtual Assistants do?

This can vary depending on who you work with, but typically, you’ll handle:

  • Managing emails:
    Sorting, replying, flagging important stuff. You’d be surprised how much time this saves people.
  • Scheduling appointments:
    Keep their calendar organised, set up meetings, and ensure they never miss a thing.
  • Social media management:
    Basic posting and engagement. Many people are too busy to deal with it, and that’s where you come in.
  • Other admin tasks:
    Data entry, researching, making travel arrangements – anything that helps keep the wheels turning.

How to get started

  • Where to find work:
    Skip Fiverr and Upwork—they’re oversaturated and cutthroat. Instead, start with VA agencies. These agencies provide training, and more importantly, clients. But don’t stop there. Join professional groups on LinkedIn or Facebook. Relationships lead to opportunities.
  • Skills you need:
    Organisation is your best friend. You’ve got to stay on top of things without being micromanaged. Good communication is a must, and if you know your way around tools like Google Workspace or Slack, you’re already ahead of the game.
  • Start small and scale:
    You won’t get top-tier clients on day one, but that’s fine. Begin with smaller gigs, get testimonials, and gradually raise your rates as your reputation grows.

How much can you earn?

You can expect anywhere from $15 to $30 an hour starting out. As you get more experience and specialise in certain areas (like social media management or project coordination), that number climbs. Some VAs make $50+ per hour once they’re established.

Being a VA is flexible, fits into any schedule, and can be done from anywhere. It’s a great remote hustle that’s not only in demand but lets you build long-term relationships with clients who will keep coming back for more.

3. Short-Form Editing

Short-form content is the king of social media right now.

TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are blowing up, and everyone wants in. But here’s the thing—most people don’t have the time, patience, or skills to edit their own content. That’s where short-form editors come in.

What does a short-form editor do?

You take raw footage and turn it into engaging, bite-sized videos that keep people hooked. The goal is simple—grab attention fast and keep the viewer glued for as long as possible.

Here’s what you’ll be handling:

  • Trimming and cutting:
    Short-form content means getting rid of fluff. You need to chop up footage to keep the best parts.
  • Adding captions:
    Most people watch videos without sound. Good captions not only make videos more accessible, they also keep viewers watching.
  • Visual effects and transitions:
    Simple cuts won’t cut it. Add dynamic text, overlays, and quick transitions to make content stand out.

How to get started

  • Learn the basics:
    You don’t need to be a pro with expensive gear. Tools like CapCut, Premiere Pro, or even DaVinci Resolve can handle everything you need.
  • Build a portfolio:
    Before you go charging for services, start by editing your own clips or helping out friends who create content. This gives you material to show potential clients.
  • Where to find clients:
    Look for creators or businesses who are active on social media but don’t have time to edit. Instagram DMs, TikTok comments, and even platforms like Fiverr or Upwork are great places to connect.

How much can you charge?

Starting out, you might make around $30-$50 per short video. But as you get better and faster, you can raise those rates. Some editors are charging $100+ per video, especially if they specialise in viral-style editing for influencers and brands.

Key tips:

  • Stay on top of trends:
    Short-form content trends change fast. Keep an eye on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for the latest styles so you can edit accordingly.
  • Speed matters:
    Turnaround time is crucial. The faster you can get edited videos back to clients, the more they’ll rely on you.

Short-form editing isn’t just a trend; it’s here to stay. As content creators and businesses focus on social media growth, this skill will be more in demand. If you’ve got an eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, you can turn this into a serious money-maker.

4. Direct Response Copywriting

Let’s cut to the chase—businesses need copy that makes people click, buy, or sign up. That’s where direct response copywriting comes in. It’s about writing words that make people act. And companies will pay big for someone who can get results.

What is Direct Response Copywriting?

It’s writing with a purpose—get someone to take action right now. Whether it’s:

  • Emails that convert:
    Think newsletters, cold emails, or promotional blasts. Your words get people to open, read, and hit that “Buy Now” button.
  • Sales pages that sell:
    Long-form or short-form pages designed to make visitors pull out their wallets. Every sentence has to push them closer to a purchase.
  • Ad copy that grabs attention:
    Facebook, Google, Instagram ads—you’ve got seconds to hook someone and make them click. Your copy has to deliver instantly.

How to get started

  • Learn the craft:
    Direct response copywriting isn’t like writing blog posts or social media captions. You need to understand psychology and buyer behaviour. Study great copywriters like David Ogilvy or Gary Halbert. Take free courses online or grab books on copywriting.
  • Create a portfolio:
    Before landing high-paying gigs, you need to show potential clients you know what you’re doing. Write mock sales pages, emails, or even revamp your own LinkedIn bio to show off your skills.
  • Find clients:
    Start with small businesses, eCommerce stores, or entrepreneurs who need help with their email sequences or landing pages. You can find gigs on platforms like Upwork, or cold pitch businesses directly.

How much can you make?

The beauty of direct response copywriting is that you can charge based on the results you bring. While starting out, you might get paid a flat fee per project—anywhere from $50 to $200 for an email or ad. But as you prove your worth, you can charge more, even a percentage of the sales your copy generates. Some top-tier copywriters rake in thousands per project because their words print money.

Key tips:

  • Write for the reader, not yourself:
    The goal is to make them act, not to sound fancy. Keep it simple, clear, and persuasive.
  • Test everything:
    Copy that works for one audience may flop with another. Be open to tweaking and testing to see what resonates.
  • Get comfortable with rejection:
    Not every email or sales page will be a hit. Learn from what doesn’t work and improve.

Direct response copywriting isn’t for everyone. But if you can master the art of writing words that make people take action, the sky’s the limit. This side hustle not only pays well but also scales as your skills grow.

5. Selling Digital Products

Digital products are pure gold when it comes to side hustles.

You create something once, and it can keep earning money without needing to be physically shipped or managed. It’s low effort after the initial creation, with high potential for passive income. Whether you’re a designer, writer, or just someone with knowledge in a specific area, you can sell digital products.

What kinds of digital products can you sell?

  • E-books:
    Got expertise in a topic? Package it into a guide or e-book. People pay for value, especially if it’s a solution to a problem they have.
  • Online courses:
    If you’ve got a skill—whether it’s photography, coding, or productivity—there’s a market for it. Platforms like Udemy or Teachable let you upload your course, and students can buy in at any time.
  • Printables or design templates:
    These are huge for busy professionals or small business owners. Canva templates, planners, spreadsheets—they sell because they save people time.
  • Stock photos or graphics:
    Are you a decent photographer or designer? You can sell stock images, icons, or other visual content on platforms like Etsy, Shutterstock, or Creative Market.

How to get started

  • Find your niche:
    What do you know that others would pay for? Look for problems people are searching for online and create a digital product that solves it. Simplicity is key.
  • Choose your platform:
    Depending on what you’re selling, different platforms work better. Gumroad, Etsy, and even your own website are solid options for selling directly. Course creators can look at Teachable or Udemy.
  • Create once, sell forever:
    The beauty of digital products is that, once they’re done, they’re done. You don’t need to keep inventory or deal with shipping. Just set up shop and watch sales roll in.

How much can you make?

Digital products offer insane profit margins because, after the initial work, you’ve got very little ongoing costs. You can price e-books anywhere from $5 to $50 depending on the value, and courses can sell for much higher—anywhere from $50 to $500+ depending on your audience and the depth of your course.

Key tips:

  • Make it valuable:
    People won’t buy your product just because it’s cheap. They’ll buy because it solves a problem or teaches them something useful.
  • Market it well:
    Creating a great product is just step one. You’ve got to get eyes on it. Use social media, email lists, or even paid ads to promote your digital product.
  • Offer freebies:
    Get people hooked with a freebie that’s related to your main product. Once they’re on your list, you can pitch the paid version.

Selling digital products is one of the best ways to build a sustainable income. You’re not trading time for money, and the potential to scale is massive. Create something once, and it could keep paying you for months or even years to come.

6. Personal Consulting

If you’re good at something, why not get paid for it?

Personal consulting is one of the most direct ways to turn your skills and experience into cash. Whether you’re an expert in fitness, business, mental health, or even personal finance, people are willing to pay for your advice and guidance. And the best part? You can do it all remotely.

What does personal consulting involve?

It’s simple. You’re offering one-on-one advice to people who need help in a specific area. This could be:

  • Business strategy:
    Helping small businesses or entrepreneurs figure out how to grow and improve their operations.
  • Fitness and nutrition coaching:
    If you’ve got a background in health and fitness, you can offer customised plans and accountability to clients online.
  • Life coaching:
    Helping people achieve personal goals, stay motivated, and overcome obstacles in their life or career.
  • Financial consulting:
    Guiding people on how to budget, save, invest, or get out of debt.

How to get started

  • Find your area of expertise:
    What do people already ask you for advice on? That’s a good place to start. Pick something you’re confident in and enjoy talking about.
  • Set up your platform:
    You don’t need anything fancy to start consulting. A Zoom account and a good calendar app to schedule calls is enough. You can set up a basic website or even just use social media profiles to promote your services.
  • Build credibility:
    In consulting, trust is everything. Start by offering free or low-cost sessions to get testimonials. Use these to show potential clients what you’ve done for others.

How much can you make?

Consulting is one of the most lucrative side hustles because you’re charging for your expertise, not your time. Fees can range from $50 per hour for beginners to hundreds per session for seasoned pros. Many consultants also offer packages—like 4-week coaching or strategy sessions—so clients pay upfront for long-term support.

Key tips:

  • Overdeliver:
    Your reputation as a consultant relies on the results you provide. Go the extra mile for your clients. They’ll spread the word for you, and referrals are gold in this business.
  • Offer value upfront:
    Give people a taste of what you offer through free content—blog posts, YouTube videos, or webinars. This shows them you know your stuff and gets them interested in paying for more.
  • Set boundaries:
    Consulting can take over your time if you’re not careful. Set clear expectations with clients about your availability and what they can expect from you.

Personal consulting lets you make money by sharing what you already know. And as you build trust and credibility, you can turn this side hustle into a full-time gig that scales as your client base grows.

7. Options Trading

Options trading is one of those side hustles that can sound intimidating, but with the right approach, it offers serious potential for profit. It’s high-risk, high-reward, but for people who are willing to learn the ropes, it can be a flexible and scalable way to make money from home.

What is options trading?

In simple terms, options trading allows you to bet on the price movement of stocks without actually owning the stock. You’re essentially making a call on whether a stock’s price will go up or down over a specific period.

There are two main types of options:

  • Calls:
    You’re betting that the price will go up, so you buy the option to purchase the stock at a fixed price in the future. If the price rises, you profit.
  • Puts:
    You’re betting that the price will go down, so you buy the option to sell the stock at a fixed price in the future. If the price falls, you profit.

How to get started

  • Learn the basics:
    Options trading isn’t something you just dive into. You’ve got to understand the strategies, risks, and how the market works. There are tons of free resources and courses available to teach you the basics. Start slow and avoid making big bets until you’ve got a solid grasp.
  • Choose a platform:
    There are several trading platforms that make options trading accessible to beginners. Look at options like Interactive Brokers, Thinkorswim, or Robinhood. Pick one that fits your needs and offers the tools to practice.
  • Start small:
    Don’t get sucked into big plays at the start. Test the waters with smaller trades, and always have a risk management plan in place. In options trading, the potential for loss is as high as the potential for gain, so never trade more than you’re willing to lose.

How much can you make?

There’s no clear answer here because options trading is volatile. Some traders make hundreds to thousands in a day, while others can lose the same amount. The key to success is learning how to minimise your losses while maximising your wins. Over time, as you get more comfortable with different strategies—like covered calls or protective puts—you can start seeing consistent profits.

Key tips:

  • Risk management is everything:
    Options trading is not about winning every time. It’s about managing losses when trades don’t go your way. Always have a strategy to protect your capital.
  • Stay updated on the market:
    This is one hustle where keeping an eye on the news, market trends, and stock movements is crucial. You need to stay informed to make smart decisions.
  • Practice before going live:
    Many trading platforms offer paper trading accounts. These let you practice trading with virtual money so you can get comfortable before putting real money on the line.

Options trading isn’t for everyone, but for those who have the patience and discipline to learn, it can be a great way to earn money from anywhere. Just remember, it’s not about chasing fast cash—it’s about playing the long game and making informed, strategic moves.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it—seven side hustles you can start remotely in 2024.

The beauty of these gigs is that they don’t require a massive investment upfront. You don’t need to quit your job, and you can scale them up as you get more comfortable. Whether it’s creating content, offering consulting, or diving into options trading, there’s something here for everyone.

But here’s the thing—you’ve got to take action. Reading about side hustles won’t make you money. Start small, build momentum, and learn as you go. The key is consistency, not perfection.

And remember, these side hustles aren’t just about earning extra cash. They’re about freedom. The freedom to work from anywhere, set your own hours, and build something that fits your lifestyle.

So pick one, get started, and see where it takes you.

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