PS4 Pro Boost Mode Performance Analysis and Which Games to Avoid

Sony is about to release version 4.5 beta firmware for the PlayStation 4, that will introduce a features called ‘Boost Mode’, also referred to as Beast Mode. The PS4 Pro Boost Mode performance analysis shows it improves frame rates of certain titles by up to 38%.
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The Boost Mode allows several unpatched games to make use of the extra processing power of the 4K-enabled Pro machines, both in CPU and GPU terms. Some other games might not get benefit at all, but why? We discuss it below.
PS4 Pro Boost Mode Performance Analysis
The PS4 Pro Boost Mode is already available to beta users of the PS4 system software 4.50. When the firmware is downloaded, you will see a new option in the settings of a PS4 Pro, then click on a tick box next to it to activate the Boost Mode.
It actually tells PS4 Pro users to utilize some extra processing power for games, which could result in stunning graphical improvements overall. Sony claims that the processing power also improves load times for some games. “Depending on the game, the increased CPU speed may results in some shorter load times,” said the company.
Eurogamer’s Digital Foundry has tested this upcoming PS4 Pro Boost Mode. Based on the testing results, many games seem to receive the same 14% increase in their frame rates in Boost Mode. While others that struggled to reach 60fps on a standard PS4, were happily able to maintain a constant, maxed-out frame rate on the PS4 Pro in Boost Mode.
This is true for the games that pushed the GPU to the limits, such as driving sims like Project Cars, Assetto Corsa and F1 2016, with Project Cars seeing up to 38% better performance in Boost Mode.
In case of Assassin’s Creed Unity, the game managed to maintain a more stable 30fps, up from a janky 24fps, with the feature activated.
In general, games that are patched with the PS4 Pro in mind seem to seem to enjoy the most frame rate improvement. Boost Mode however doesn’t work on games locked to a certain frame rate, such as 30fps. Overall, PS4 Pro’s Boost Mode seems valuable indeed.
If are having anomalies with your favorite games, or you want to conserve some power (with the CPU & GPU), you can turn the feature off. All you need to do is to untick the option in Settings.
Sony’s Boost Mode: Worst Running PS4 and PS4 Pro Games List
The PS4 Pro Boost Mode is currently in its beta form which means there might be a few kinks here and there before developers iron them out ahead of the official release. In fact, some games are reported to have been adversely affected by the new feature instead of seeing an increase in performance.
Here’s a list of the games which are reported for crashing and poor graphics while running on PS4 Pro Boost Mode.
- Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
- Batman: The Telltale Series
- Dead Island
- Dragon Quest Builders
- God Eater Resurrection
- Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
- Shadow Complex
- Trivial Pursuit Live!
- Tembo the Badass Elephant
- Slender: The Arrival
- Grow Home
We will update the list as we find more games that run worse with the Boost Mode. If you’re planning on playing any of the above games, make sure to play them on base mode on a PS4 Pro.
Sony plans for releasing more details on the full consumer roll out of the PS4 system software 4.50 in the coming weeks. We’ll update you as soon as we get more information, specifically about the games that got the biggest bumps from PS4 Pro Boost Mode. So keep checking back for the latest news on this story.